Sustainable fabrics are produced from natural or recycled raw materials. Intended to reduce harm to the environment, these fabrics can also contribute to waste reduction, water conservation, lowered emissions, and soil regeneration.Garments manufactured from sustainable fabrics are breathable, hypoallergenic, softand free of plastic microfibers. Safe and comfortable for adults and infants alike, theyare produced free of chemicals and pesticides.

Sustainable fabrics are in high demand in modern days as:

  1. Consumers are opting for sustainable clothing to reduce environmental damage.
  2. Brands and retailers are making proactive decisions to reduce their carbon, water, and chemical footprint by using more sustainable materials.

Organic Cotton

Organic cotton is grown without the use of pesticides, from seeds that have not beengenetically modified, through a process that preserves biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil well-being. It does not require chemical agents for its fertilization and fumigation. Grown using methods and materials that have a positive impact on the environment, organic production systems do not use synthetic chemicals at the processing, bleaching, dyeing, or printing stages. Environment friendly and sustainable, these organic cotton fabrics are biodegradable and help reduce the carbon waste emitted by the factories for the production of fabrics.

Recycled Cotton

Sustainability continues to be at the forefront in the textile industry. The use of recycled items, recycled cotton in particular, has attained attention lately. The term "recycled cotton" refers to the process of converting cotton fabric into cotton fibres that can be reused in the production of new textile items and fashion clothing. Also known as reclaimed or regenerated cotton, it is produced from old, restored, and re-manufactured items, as well as recycled raw material. It is an excellent choice to reduce textile waste.

The vast majority of recycled cotton is produced through mechanical recycling. The fabrics and materials are colour-coded and run through a machine that shreds them into yarns and raw fibres. The raw fibre thus produced is then spun back into yarns for reuse in various other products.

recycled  cotton


Organic-Linen is a biodegradable lightweight and robust fabric. Made from Flax- a naturally organic crop that is resistant to pests, requires very little fertilizer, and thrives without irrigation-it is a natural fibre with both functional and aesthetic appeal.It is one of the world's oldest and most widely-used textiles, as well as one of the most environmentally friendly fibres to produce.

The process of producing linen from flax is simple and chemical-free. Farmers extract flax fibre from the skin of the plant’s stem and turn them into yarns. Flax plants can also be used in their entirety, meaning there’s no waste.

organic linen